Tonight is the opening of the "You Be the Judge" show at Gualala Arts Center and I am nervous as beads on a slick floor. Cannot settle down to any work.
Yesterday Barry called to say they wanted to put a pedestal under the pillar and did I approve? I wanted to get over to see if they had a good idea or not, and lacked the time, so had to call and asked them to remove it. Scott said he would. Werner thinks I should make a "do not touch" sign for the hanging committee! I am still shaking my head that they put a Christmas tree under it last month. It is amazing how many people loved the idea and how many artists were horrified! I was relieved that they only damaged one strand getting the tree out and away from the work. Off to do more nail-biting. . .
It is not the judging that bothers me. That is outside and beyond and not applicable to me or the work. I guess it is completely the idea that strangers, and even worse! friends and neighbors will be looking at something I have made. Ouch!