Yesterday, in the light of day, I saw that in the rug I had mixed two very closely colored beads in one section. I debated long and hard if I wanted to leave the night-time error, but finally got up the nerve and the scissors and cut it out. Because I use the brick stitch, it is easier to remove beaded sections since cutting one thread does not release the whole row of beads.
I had the feeling the piece itself was happier with the repair. That gave me courage then to go back and fix one other place. I had added peyote stitching on the side to increase the width of the rug and when I do peyote I make errors. It felt as if I had spent the whole afternoon in repair. But I am much happier with the piece. One of the big advantages of beading is nothing is lost. The beads can always be cut apart and reused.
Our rainy weather is predicted for the whole week. I may have to heat the studio to glue the rest of the letters onto the panels.