I won't describe the rest of the family as it really needs to wait until she is finished with the whole project. Her whimsy and imagination are limitless and yet each of her objects are clearly her work. It is exciting to be able to see a work-in-progress and then compare it to its finished form later.
It is funny that we both swear off of making jewelry - we only wear earrings - but still among our half-started projects were - necklaces. It seems we simply cannot let go of making creations to wear.
Sheree's comments were very helpful to me about the piece I might enter into the "Judged by your Peers" show that opens next week at Gualala Arts. The work is one I did over a year ago but never entered in a show. I felt it always needed something. Sheree suggested another color in it and I felt it needed more height. After she left I unpacked my latest order from Fire Mountain and found the eight-inch headpins. As I unwrapped them I asked myself, "whatever was I thinking?"
Later in the evening as I numbly, but happily, beaded on the tree I began to see those headpins, with stars (which had also arrived in the order) rising above the work in another color. Am eager to get my computer work done this morning so I can try out the idea to see if it will work. Also need to see if I am too late to register for the show. Out of here now!