Saturday, July 27, 2013

I got this close to finishing this puppy last night before the clock chimed midnight and my needle hand turned into a pumpkin. A guy on the AHAforum uses his dog "Chewy" as his avatar and it now seems that this puppy is going to turn out to be another Chewy. I want to sew his one ear down when I am done beading that side of the face. No company today, nowhere to go (spiritually and mentally) no big job and my only physical complaint is to report two flea bites. That's what I get for beading dogs!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Peanut, the royal blue elephant from the legend series is now a delight in beads. That is the way I think of him. Again I made the mistake of not using from my pound boxes of beads and naturally ran out what I had picked. Luckily I had several packets of Precosia beads that were very close and was able, by mixing the left-overs and the new bag, to get a good enough match. I still have an idea how I want the elephant to be so may need to do another one.

Then I started on the puppy from the 2009 series. Happy how the needle looks like a leash here.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Since I have been working on the website for the Haiku Stone Path, and having so much correspondence with Sus, I started an elephant for him. The only way this one can 'work' is to have it flying. As of last night I had one ear, the belly and two legs done. I hope someday Ty Co. makes an elephant with stiff legs as the unicorn has.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Did the new silverish fish on the weekend but hurt so much I did not get across the room to photograph it. I am not so happy with these colors. I much prefer the goldfish. I was so sure I knew what to put together with the silver sequins. . . but.

As I dug through my stash of animals I found this unicorn from the 2009 series. It is so much better when the animals have stiff formed legs. Enjoyed working on this one. It needed no extra padding. I am wondering if my idea is too reddish for the tail and mane. Still I hope someone will fall in love with him.
On Sunday, Claudia, from Long Island NYC was here and she said that these would really sell if they were
in a shop in NY. Or even in Sausalito - but that is not happening. I am happy selling from CHAC in Point Arena.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

This otter took so long to bead that I have almost forgotten how to blog! He came very well I think now that I am finally done. I am delighted with his jeweled crown which might make a few fishermen and abelone takers unhappy. Though the otter was endeangered for awhile, it the species has come back so completely that now they are blamed for eating fish and kelp. As I look at the photo I am thinking the eyes need to be enhanced. Hm... Something to do this afternoon after all.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Itsy bitsy spider

The spider. Glad to be done with him. Have no plans to do another. Last night I was too tired to walk across the room to get a new animal so picked up the otter and worked on him. Today I am still too tired to pick a new animal so will stick with the old otter. Between making an index of all the Yosano poems and fussing with a hot waster heater that refuses to heat water I am really bushed.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July on the 4th!

All day yesterday we thought it was the 4th. We even chided ourselves for not putting out the flag. Only late in the evening did I notice on the calendar that the holiday was on a Thursday. Then the fireworks started up over the ocean. Magnificant lightning displays went on for hours. Because the strikes were so far away there was no scary thunder - until we had gone to sleep. Then the storm blew in over land with all the noise and rain. Just as we got to sleep again, the next storm blew in. This time the strikes were on the ridge so there were no close ones. Just lots of light and rolling thunder that I always imagine looks like a cumulus cloud turned to sound. Today we have bright sunshine as if nothing had ever happened except we are both missing a lot of sleep.

Here is the spider I am working on. By tying his legs together I can keep him from looking like a real spider and giving me the creeps while keep my thread from tangling in them. Those are his legs lying there beside him. I was glad I could bead the cylindars off the body and sew them on later. I want to finish the top before I do the legs. Werner looked at him last night and felt I should have kept that brown patterning on his back but the creeps took over so I could not give that much loving care to his back.
Then today Roberta in Pandora wrote to tell me of a funnel spider web she found by her pond so I began looking at spiders on the web. I willl finish this one knowing he looks nothing like the real things!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Happy 4th of July

The goldfish with real scales yesterday. . .

                                                       And now today it is finished.
Barbara Fast stopped by with the fabric for her new quilt and on it was a dragon needing silver scales. So glad to be able to share. Thankful that I had finally done the fish scales right so I could show her how it is done. She picked up the 14 animals I had been saving for the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital - who never contacted me so I do not know if my entry forms were faulty or if they really saw my stuff and did not like it. Was glad to get the extra animals into the gallery for the 4th. The parade is on Sunday the 7th in Point Arena so I hope the gallery will get lots of visitors and people wanting animals with beads all over them!