Friday, February 24, 2012

Hm. . . Where have I been? Am working on this. That is a fossilized sea dollar in the center. Center? The whole image is wonky! That happens when I close the lid on the scanner - things scrunch around to suit themselves. As I look at the image I feel the sea dollar is too far from the other stones, but when the brass butterfly is attached, it looks better. This time I am saving myself some work by doing the 'strap' in two pieces instead of four. Need to go order more ultrasuade. My yard of material ordered a month ago will be gone when I get this one done. Sent B. a chunk with the hope to infect her with this insane way of beading.
Oh, was invited by the Etsy Bead Embroiders to join their team. I have entered the Destination Gualala in the next contest and someone saw it and thought I should be in their group. That was my first complete bead embroidery piece so I am delighted about the invitation.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It is not red or white, but this is my Valentine's Day gift to myself. There are still some rough edges and I may have to cut loose and reposition some of the panels. But! the center piece looks the way I imagined it. Am very excited about the work. Maybe because it is still warm and the sun is shining in my eyes as I look into the lens of the camera too long.

Monday, February 13, 2012

My last act last night was to glue the five pieces of the new necklace to the Ultrasuade and this morning I realized I had something to show you. As I have worked on this I have been listening to the 23 tapes of The Outlanders - a story set in Scotland so you are lucky I have a no done this in plaid. I am still thinking in dialect! Beyond my usual drive to get a piece together to see how it is going to look is my eagerness to add a brass stamping I bought from Sara Crisci on Etsy last week. I feel happy and good just looking at it.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I have started a new bead embroidered necklace but I do not want to show it to you in its present half-made state. Instead, here are the puffed stars I have put up on Etsy. Had sunshine the other day and was able to catch enough light for them. Using the sand was a big help in making them stand up. I tried hanging them but either they spun around too long or stopped in the wrong place.
I cured myself of the big lump on my thumb. I was afraid it would need to have something cut out which would really put a crimp in my beading so I put off going to the doctor. The other day I was cutting out a bunch of Ultrasuede for the new necklace and noticed the scissors leaned on the lump and it really hurt. Later I could see fluid deep under the skin - like a blister. Then it went away along with the pain and now there is only a tiny bump that does not hurt. The bead gods were good to me!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Last night I added the fringe at the bottom. I was pleased with the method I found. Instead of the fans of fringe most bead embroidery pieces utilize, I had many strands of fringe coming from only 3 dark blue pony beads. By picking shells with browns and golds I could get back to the colors in the main body of the work. I feel this piece is done and I am so pleased with it. So much so that I cannot think of starting another for fear it will be less interesting. This one really grew out of the placement of the three stone beads and I just went on from there.
So today I entered this in the "Small Works" exhibit at Gualala Arts along with the snowman and one of the stained glass panels. While doing deskwork I also signed up for the Coast Highway Artists Collective in Point Arena at 284 Main Street - the old CityArt place. Barbara Fast is off to Santa Rosa buying paint for the walls; am very glad to see that ugly Piedmont mud color on the walls go along with the sign in front. To be in the co-op I had to apply for seller's permit so I had the sweat-producing job of filing out government forms.
The sun is shining and I hope to get a good photo of this work - Destination: Gualala. Then I will have my Etsy challenge for next month on its way.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I got this far with this last night. I feel the lower left side needs a bit of fringe to balance the whole thing. I see it hangs crooked!
Last night I was unhappy with the upward curve on the right shoulder, but this morning I see it enlarges the concept that this is a wave! so I may leave it. Looking at the work from across the room it does seem to emote "Gualala" so I may use it in the March Etsy challenge for a piece about a destination.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Just today I found out what other people are calling this stitch. It is the Russian Spiral! Here it is done with silver-lined gold hex cut delicas and 15s in my favorite raspberry metallic. It is very rare that I keep a necklace that I have made but not worn. Usually, if I wear a necklace I hang it on my old weaving and keep it for my use only. I know others often wear a piece and then sell it, but somehow that does not feel right to me. However, this is one necklace I liked so much when I finished it that I put it in my "keep" pile just because I loved it. And now I know its name! The stitch is one of my favorites and the one I go to when I need calming. It works up so well and in the summer I found it also works well with rounded beads.